
阅读(快乐英语中年级) (2023年12期) 电子版

类型:月刊  类别:教育教学
阅读(快乐英语中年级)创刊于2005年,由江苏教育报刊社主办,《阅读》杂志由江苏省教育厅主管。本刊面向小学学生,以语文、...     展开
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星星点灯丨Today Is a New Day今天是新的一天
Your tomorrows are as bright as you want to make them. There is no reason to carry the darkness of the past with you int...
行走天下丨Travel to Guizhou我的贵州十日行
学 校:江苏省常州市武进区星韵学校 本期小导游:赵茗晞 指导老师:赵 晔 Guizhou is famous for its culture of ethnic minorities. It has a long history. Ther...
故事广场丨Sweet Candies甜蜜的糖果
阅读提示: 熊奶奶准备了一大包糖果,拜托小松鼠带给小熊。糖果散发着香甜的气息,让小松鼠垂涎欲滴,还引来了别的小动物。他们好想尝尝美味的糖果呀!Let’s read the story. Grandmother Bear prepared(准...
绘本时光丨Christmas Adventure圣诞节历险记
绘本导读: 圣诞节到了。孩子们多么开心啊,好朋友们相聚,玩啊、笑啊、闹啊,等待着即将上桌的大餐,还有半夜里从烟囱钻进来的圣诞老人准时送达的礼物。可是,妈妈忙得满头是汗,爸爸也有点烦躁,因为对大人们来说,Christmas is a hard...
指点迷津丨Sally and Jolly’s Vlog (14):共同守护海洋
海洋是生命的摇篮。人类的生存和发展离不开海洋。面对肆意蔓延的核污水和日益严重的海洋污染,Sally和Jolly积极加入了世界青少年海洋保护公益组织,通过自己的Vlog呼吁世界各地的人们都来共同守护海洋。 What’s this? (这是什么...
巧手制作丨A Flower Tumbler不倒翁花束
制作地:江苏省南通市海门实验学校 附属小学三(3)班 巧手娃:蔡奕粟 指导老师:黄燕青 美丽的鲜花可以装扮整洁的家。来制作可爱的不倒翁花束,让春天提前来到你的桌前吧!轻轻推推它,这份趣味和美丽会让你感到冬天也不再寒冷。 Prepare a ...
图解单词丨Kinds of Shops各种各样的商店
bookstore 書店 pharmacy 药店 bakery 面包店 laundry 洗衣店 hair salon 理发店 fruit store 水果店 restaurant 饭店 hotel 酒店 candy shop 糖果店 out...
游戏魔方丨Listen and Match, etc.
圣诞节礼物大派送啦!听录音,将下面的人物和对应的礼物连线。 饥饿的贪吃蛇來了。它一口气吃了很多东西,分别是什么?请将单词圈出来。 1. bear →( ) 2. how →( ) 3. can →( ) 4. ...
中英百科丨Oceans Need Help海洋需要帮助
在太平洋上,有一个巨大的垃圾场。Too much waste floats there. How terrible! 海洋正面临着前所未有的大麻烦。 Plastic Waste塑料垃圾 Bottles and shoes are commo...
漫话经典丨Thoughts on a Tranquil Night 静夜思
Thoughts on a Tranquil Night 靜夜思...
光影快递丨The Monkey King美猴王
I am Monkey King. I have a stick. I love my stick. I want to be an immortal. My name is Lin. I am a girl. I want to do b...
妙语连珠丨My Bedroom薛雯心
Hello, everyone! Welcome to my bedroom. I have a comfortable bed, and I love sleeping and relaxing on my bed. Next to it...
妙语连珠丨My Bedroom季洛黎
I have a warm and nice bedroom. There is a beautiful bed in my bedroom. It is comfortable. There are many stuffed toys o...
妙语连珠丨My Old House
I live in an old house. I have lived here since I was born. There is no central air conditioning. There is no elevator, ...
妙语连珠丨My Dream Home
My dream home is a grand castle. I am attracted by its beauty. The castle lies in a quiet valley. There is a swimming po...
妙语连珠丨My House杨欣蕊
Hi, everyone! My name is Yang Xinrui. Now let me invite you to see my new house. In the living room, there is a big TV o...
妙语连珠丨My House郭嘉鸿
I live in a small village. My house is at the foot of the mountain. It’s old and small. There is a river near the house....
妙语连珠丨My Home李臻
Welcome to my home. My home is not big but tidy. It’s on the fifth floor. There is a very big and soft sofa in the livin...
妙语连珠丨My Home赵若熙
Let me share more about my home. There are six rooms in my home, including three bedrooms with many books. We have a wel...
童谣天地丨Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle...
开心时刻丨Get Warm
Get Warm...

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